
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Common Cold - Home Remedies

The winter season brings with itself a host of health problems - from common cold, cough, blocked nose, chest congestion to fevers. It is neither possible nor feasible to run to a doctor every time a member of the family succumbs to any of these winter related problems. You may find the solution in your kitchen cabinet itself, in the form of effective herbs and spices used in everyday cooking.

Home Remedies:

1. Garlic:

Boil four to five chopped garlic cloves in a cup of water and add one teaspoon of honey. Drink it two to three times a day.
You can also eat raw garlic or use a few drops of garlic oil in your food and drinks.
Garlic’s antibacterial and antiviral properties can be very helpful in getting rid of cold symptoms.Garlic is good for the immune system and helps open up respiratory passages, and also helps flush toxins out of your body.

2. Honey:

The simplest home remedy is to consume a mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey. Take it every two hours to get immense relief from your cold and sore throat.
If you prefer, you can simply swallow a spoonful of raw honey.

3. Ginger:
- Eat raw ginger or drink ginger tea several times a day. For enhance the effectiveness of ginger tea, add a lemon juice and honey to it. 
You can also make a paste of ginger, cloves and salt and eat one-half teaspoon of it two times a day.
-  For a runny nose, mix equal amounts of dry ginger powder, clarified butter (ghee) and jaggery (gur), a natural sweetener. Consume this mixture daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

4. Chicken Soup:

Chicken soup has many essential nutrients and vitamins that help treat common cold symptoms. The high antioxidant properties in chicken soup speed up the healing process.

5. Red Onion:
- Slice two to three red onions horizontally. Put one slice of onion in a bowl and add raw honey. Repeat the process until the bowl is full.
- Cover the bowl and leave it for 12 to 15 hours. When you open the bowl, there will be thick liquid like syrup.
- Drink a spoonful of the syrup several times a day to get relief from sore throats and other symptoms of a cold

6. Pepper:
- If you are suffering from a runny nose, put pepper on your food when you eat a meal. You can also gargle with a teaspoon of black pepper mixed in a glass of warm water.
If you cannot eat or drink pepper, you can still benefit from smelling pepper throughout the day.

7. Green tea:

Green tea compounds not only help protect tissues from infection and boost immune response to infectious agents, but some also directly kill certain bacteria, viruses and fungi. That doesn’t mean that drinking green tea will protect you from all the viruses that can cause upper respiratory infections, but it could reduce the strength and duration of symptoms, and might be able to directly combat some of the causative agents.

8. Milk:

Milk, when combined with turmeric and ginger powder, helps treat coughing as well as other symptoms of a cold, like body aches and a headache. 

Contrary to the popular misconception, milk does not increase mucus production.

- Boil milk and add one-half teaspoon of turmeric power and one-half tablespoon of ginger powder (you can also use fresh ginger).
- Allow the milk to cool to room temperature so that you can drink it without burning your mouth. Try to drink it two times a day and especially before going to sleep.

9 . Cinnamon:
- Mix a tablespoon of powdered cinnamon and two cloves in a glass of boiling water water and allow it to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and drink it while it is still warm. For best results, you can add some honey as well. Drink this tea one to three times a day.
If you prefer, you can simply consume a few drops of cinnamon bark oil with honey.

10. Tulsi:

- Chewing tulsi leaves relieves cold and flu.Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as drink in case of sore throat. This water can also be used as a gargle.
- Add tulsi, ginger and black pepper while preparing your tea. These three ingredients play an important role in fighting a common cold and cough.

11. Flaxseeds:

Boil flaxseeds until it thickens and strain it. Add a few drops of lime juice and honey. Consume the mixture for cold and cough relief.

12. Carrot juice:

It is not a common home remedy to fight a cold and cough, but carrot juice helps to fight a cough. It may be unconventional but it makes an interesting drink. Drink it to prevent cough and reap the benefits of carrot juice.

13. Amla:

Amla is a strong immunomodulator (agents that alter the immune response by suppression or enhancement) and protects from the onset of many diseases if taken regularly. It ensures the proper functioning of the liver and improves blood circulation.

14. Mint:

Mint (pudina) leaves and ginger boiled in water is an effective remedy for cough and cold. 

These home remedies should give you some relief from the symptoms of a common cold. But if the cold lasts longer than two weeks, you should consult a physician.
Herbal remedies can be used in addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Avoid cold drinks, ice- cream, fried food and milk products.

Stay Healthy,

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